
Brightening the Space of Your Home

A woman named Christina used to clean my office. In the days following one of her cleaning sessions visitors often commented on how amazing my office felt. Knowing that I am a space clearer by profession sometimes they would ask if I had just space cleared the room. So what is this magic Christina brought to my office? Her spirit.…

Why Meditate?

Most of us are aware of a part of ourselves beyond everyday existence. We feel that something larger is there, although it can remain amorphous and nondescript. Sometimes we see it in our dreams, or we have memories from childhood which are outside our current adult experiences. At times we see it when those we love are near to death. Or perhaps we…

Stories from Seattle

It can be really fun to notice how different spaces feel. One day in Seattle I was shopping with a friend. There are a couple of stores in the same neighborhood that carry items of similar flavor and interest. But the feel of the stores is very different. One has a Venusian feel and the other has more of a…


There are not many topics in life that are as central as opening. It affects our health (physical, mental and emotional), our connection with those we love, and our connection to our own spiritual natures. In essence, our overall well-being. Most of us have days when we feel closed, unapproachable. Those days when we put up the “Do Not Disturb”…

What Painting Does to a Space

As a space clearer, I learn a lot when I clear a home. Not just about the person’s home, but about space in general. These threads of vision string together to form a body of knowledge and sometimes make an elucidating story. Two such space clearings stand out related to paint. Yes, wall paint. The first was a new home…

Clearing Spiritual Clutter

How much can you transform your own environment? The answer is the same as to the question, how much can you transform yourself? I have a friend and client who has lived in his home for over 20 years. I first space cleared his home about 10 years ago. At that time, he lived a good life in a well-kept,…

Simple Beauty

I have always been a nester. It is critical to my well-being that my personal space be beautiful, spacious and cozy. About seven years ago I moved to a meditation retreat center in snowy upstate New York. Although I had lived in small spaces before, this was the first time I had to fit my life into one room (I…

Personal Altars

A few people have asked that I write about personal altar design. This kind of sharing can only be a personal reflection, as altars and their meanings are a deeply individual and intimate endeavor. Altar, like many words today, carries a vast array of meaning and connotation. Some altars are designed to impart physical beauty and speak to the heart…

How to Re-invigorate a Wayward Meditation Practice

Most of us who meditate encounter resistance to our daily practice to a greater or lesser magnitude. How can something that gives us so much be so difficult to sustain? It’s way too easy to answer this question – limited time, being over-committed, feeling a nagging discomfort during the actual meditation process. Fill in your favorite excuse. All of it…

The Power of Breaking Habits

This past summer I broke my foot. My right foot. This of course meant I could not drive and I spent a number of weeks on crutches. I was attending a meditation course when it happened and it was quite a little trek between the meditation hall, the dining hall and my room. So, friends drove me between buildings numerous…