Meditation Workshop

There are many meditation styles and techniques available the world over. Clairvision’s school of meditation and offers a unique approach to explore and powerfully transform one’s consciousness and cultivate vision.


Awakening the Third Eye meditation workshop

November 3-4, 2018
9:30 am – 5:00 pm each day
19742 Olmstead Road NE, Aurora OR 97002

“I want to thank you for the excellent course. I could feel your incredible focus maintaining the space. Very impressive!!! I have taken a hundred+ courses over the past 20 years and your handling of the space was the best I have ever seen.” -WH, SF Bay Area

This dynamic 2-day workshop presents meditation skills for modern people using a grounded and practical approach designed for people who lead busy lives. A key principle is see for yourself, know for yourself. The techniques lead to a development of vision that cuts through appearances and perceives the reality of the world and yourself. Beyond relaxation, this style of meditation raises the voltage of consciousness. Develop inner stillness and sharper awareness. Learn how not to get rocked by the waves around you. Meditation is about being more. It gives you strength and centeredness to go beyond your limits.

Awakening the Third Eye (ATE) is a course is designed for both advanced meditation students and those who are brand new to meditation.

Additional Information

Details about the Portland ATE: Flyer

Skills taught during the workshop: What students learn
Free excerpts of the book: Awakening the Third Eye